- @04.12.2014
- JA Tokachi Shimizu will install our New Hydrolysis system.
Click to detail.
- @22.09.2014
- Takai foods Ltd. ( President: Mr.Yuji Takai HQ:Mitsuke Niigata Japan) and
Sanwa Starch Co., Ltd. ( President: Mr.Ayumu Ito HQ:Kashihara Nara) established new JV company called
Hydro Powtech Japan Co.,Ltd.(President: Mr.Masazumi Kumazawa HQ:Nagaoaka Niigata Japan).
From Nov 2014, Hydro Powtech Japan will start to produce and supply gHydrolyzed flourh for food industries in Japan.
Click to detail..
- @04.06.2013
- Announce: gProduction of rice syrup and powderh and gNew saccharification
Rice syrup is recommended by macrobiotics, reason to its healthfulness.
However, it is very expensive and hard to handle so far.
Now, we have succeeded to produce inexpensive and easy to handle rice syrup
and powder, using our own developed gNew saccharification systemh.
Just only using rice itself and ordinal ƒÀ-amylase and Gluco-amylase, we
can produce rice syrup contains maltose and glucose and healthy amino-acid.
Worthy to mention, it can be done by continuous production and done within
few hours.
On August 2013, we will start to mass production to supply it to domestic
customers in Japan.
It will be used for Japanese traditional food applications.
On next step, we will apply this new saccharification (hydrolysis) system
to all grains, potato and cellulose.
- @04.07.2012
- Latest Product-Rice thickener and Glue.
- @23.03.2012
- Latest Product-Gluten free rice flour for baking goods.
- @21.11.2011
- We have started to radioactivity measurement inspection.
- @21.11.2011
- English site has been released.